Managing your daily personal activities as a participant can be quite difficult if you do not have the right support worker with you. And if searching for them is becoming difficult day by day, now is the right time to get in touch with Aid & Abet Disability Services. We offer NDIS personal activities support in Perth that will help you perform the essential tasks all by yourself in your home or shared space. So, if you are tired of the struggles that you have to experience every day, you should get in touch with us. Our qualified and experienced support staff will systematically assist you with personal tasks.
We assist participants with their personal activities with attention. So, when our support workers are with you, you need not worry about anything. You can communicate with them and describe your problems so that they can resolve them step-by-step. Our support workers are also friendly and committed to meeting the needs of participants at all times, whenever they are on duty.
What Do We Include in Our Personal Activities Assistance in Perth?
By hiring our personal activities assistance services in Perth, you will get support with various tasks that include:
- Grooming
- Dressing
- Bathing
- Skincare
- Toileting
- Bowel care
- Urine care
- Menstrual care
- Assistance with preparing food
- Assistance with eating
- Assistance with moving around using your disability equipment
- Washing Clothes, etc.
As expert support workers, we assist with these activities in a planned manner, taking into account your preferences. Also, while helping you with these tasks, we help develop the skills required to accomplish your life goals. So, to make the most out of your funding, you will need our assistants with you.
Our Perth daily personal activities assistance program is designed to make your life convenient. Since we take the common and uncommon problems of participants into account, we are able to provide comprehensive care.
Reasons to Choose our NDIS Personal Activities Support in Perth
A few important aspects of our NDIS personal activities support in Perth, are
- We help participants to accomplish all personal tasks on their own
- Apart from helping with personal tasks, we assist in the development of daily life and living skills
- Our support workers are certified and have the skills to assist participants attentively
- Our support workers are always alert and strive to fulfil the needs of clients at all times
- Apart from providing personal care, our staff can manage emergencies of all types
To learn more about our NDIS personal tasks assistance, send us an email. We will get back to you with more details regarding our service.
Schedule an Appointment With Us
To book an appointment with us regarding assistance with personal activities, call us now or fill out our online form so that we can reach out to you.